Using the SWITCH application is extremely easy. We'll show you how.
It's important to note that you will not see any individual locks or keys, rather you will have one unified experience with one main homepage.
Before we begin, please ensure your Bluetooth on your phone is enabled and that you have given the SWITCH application access to use Bluetooth. If this is disabled, your application will not properly function.
If you have not setup and redeemed your registration token, please view this help article for more information.
Please open the SWITCH application on your device and follow the instructions below.
- You will notice on the home screen of the application, you will see a big 'ACTIVATE' button.
- Once within range of any door or office lock, click on the 'ACTIVATE' button.
- For Main Door Locks - click on the 'ACTIVATE' button and the door will open with a success message.
- For Office Locks - click on the 'ACTIVATE' button and then tap on the silver cap of the core to wake it up for it to communicate to the app. It will start to flash blue indicating that it is looking for a credential.

- When the app and the core communicate, if you are allowed to access the lock you are talking to, the lights will start to flash green indicating you can turn the knob to unlock your door

- If successful, you will have 5 seconds to turn the core while it is in it's unlock mode. If unsuccessful, the core will flash red.
That's it, you're all set. If you experience any issues, please see your Community Team at the front desk.
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